The origins of the haiku (pronounced "high-coo" with equal emphasis on each syllable) go back to the 12th century in Japan, where poets, often in groups, would improvise verses which would eventually create very long poems. It wasn’t till the 16th century that ordinary Japanese folk became interested in the arts, and it was Matsuo Basho who is credited with developing and making popular the little poems which later became known as haiku.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


A new art blog begins on Sunday 1st March


cloudless spring night
a stone thrown into the pond
shatters the moon

struck by a small branch
the hedgehog retreats
into himself

at the foot clinic
an odd pair of socks

in the moonlight 
the sycamore's shadow 
above my bed

in the mirror shop
a dozen images
confirm my ageing

Sunday morning
my reflection follows me 
round the boating pond

the unmarked graves of paupers
concealed behind trees

three tin openers
lie mangled - defeated 
by a can of soup

the old house empty
our tiny footprints still there
on the concrete path

on the common
two old men among the boys
flying their kites




Monday, February 23, 2015


spring sunshine
the kitten and her shadow
lie down together

at our store of nuts
for the birds, a tiny mouse
scurries away

between each wave 
crashing on the rocks
a moment's respite

childhood memory
waking to the sounds and smells
of gaslit breakfasts

steam clearing slowly
from the bathroom mirror
an old face takes form

turning a corner
the redness of the poppies
field after field

sunset at the pier
the creaking of timbers
wind in the rigging

at the dolls' party 
we sit on the grass
drinking invisible tea

trailing in the stream
the willow branches gently
sway in the current


The last one here is of course not a haiku. It has 9 lines and each of them has 4 syllables. Just a bit of fun!

sitting alone at the party 
in a corner
during a lull 
this is my chance
I clear my throat 
they turn to me
I hesitate 
I say nothing




Thursday, February 19, 2015


at the second tee
the sparrows are fluttering
in the sprinkler's spray

Sunday morning
a howling dog competes
with the church bells

the moon keeps dodging
out of sight
behind the storm clouds

pulling petals off
he loves me he loves me not - 
best out of three?

the little girl
tries to escape her shadow
midday sunshine

in the newsagent's
the Daily Sport always racked
upside down

to reach the suet
a crow on the bird feeder
does acrobatics

sudden downpour
the bouncy castle empties
and fills with puddles

at our store of nuts
for the birds, a tiny mouse
scurries away


in the Japanese garden
just the whispering 
of running water




Monday, February 16, 2015


 on the branch 
a gull cleaning its beak -
on the ground
a broken eggshell

memory failing
and no one left to confirm
how things used to be

in grandpa's garden
held together by creepers
an old wooden hut

 out of the dusk 
the last pigeon 
checks in

now the gentle breeze
releases a tiny leaf
to the flowing stream

freed from his tack
the pony rolls on the grass
hoofs punching the air

evening shadows creep
over the pond - the ducks leave

early visitor
a slimy trail on the path
our dog checks it out

self-assembly kit
proud of the finished bookcase
but what's this thing for?


late summer sun
the colours of autumn
between sky and loch




Thursday, February 12, 2015


bitter cold dawn
four young deer on the golf course
synchronised leaping

on the clothes line
feathers fluffed up in the wind
a line of sparrows

in the gutter
a bouquet of flowers
still in wrapping paper

letting the cat out
we welcome a visitor -
a little robin

early morning mist
across the loch trees take shape
the promise of sun

another birthday
old age crept up on me
when I wasn't looking

at the refuse dump
an escort of seagulls
for the cleansing truck

floating on the pond
the leaf with a passenger
a tiny frog

market day
at sunrise long shadows
fill the empty stalls


a blank page waiting
for my next masterpiece -
the perfect haiku




Thursday, February 5, 2015


nose to the ground
Cody explores the garden
an inch at a time


between the rocks
a moon 
in every little pool


each time he tells the story
the angler stretches his arms 
w   i   d  e   r


in the hermit's hut
a bed a bowl a table
and peace


bitter cold morning
the eight twenty five is late
the platform shivers


summers day outing
between wiper and windscreen
a parking ticket


lost property desk
the woman loses patience
the clerk his temper


low tide
a chain of seaweed snakes
along the foreshore


technical fault
the automated toilet


high on the hillside
a thousand autumn colours
from a thousand trees




Sunday, February 1, 2015


three score years and ten
and a further nineteen
is that really me?


a pair of trousers
on the frozen washing line
stand at attention


from start to finish
Saturday's game is replayed
in the old men's hut


evening on the loch
much quieter now that the geese
have taken their leave


a caterpillar
slowly climbs the blade of grass
then slowly back down


clinging to the wall
every ivy leaf shivers
in the angry wind


twisted roots criss-cross
the forest floor - overhead
branches entwining


day in day out
the caged bird and the goldfish
side by side


silence in the lift
then the door opens - freeing
us and our tongues


taking a short cut
the squirrel hurries home
on the phone wire


